Summer Concert Night
Summer Concert Night will take place on Monday, August 26 at
Milton Town Hall North Courtyard Stage – 150 Mary Street
Which students will perform?
The Summer Concert Night is intended for students of all instruments and vocals, with their private lesson teacher’s recommendation. Successful Registry of Guitar Tutors and London College of Music exam candidates may be invited to receive their certificates from the Spring Session.
What songs will be played?
Students will perform songs they have prepared in their private lessons. Songs may be studies or popular songs. Songs may be unaccompanied, or with the accompaniment of their teacher or backing tracks. Vocal students may need to book the services of an accompanist. For piano students, professional digital keyboards will be provided. The final program will be determined in mid-August.
When will students perform?
The first concert will begin at 5:15 PM. Students will be assigned to perform in one concert this night. Concerts are approximately 60 minutes. Drummers and vocalists may be required to attend a technical rehearsal before the night’s first concert and provide backing tracks. In case of unsuitable weather, the concerts will be moved to Hugh Foster Hall, which is located near Milton Town Hall.
Will drummers and vocalists be required to provide backing tracks?
Drummers and vocalists will contribute their own radio edit backing tracks, also known as karaoke or Music Minus One tracks. For most students, this means providing a device (eg. Smartphone, tablet) with a downloaded file and a standard 1/8” output jack.
Is there a participation fee? When can we purchase tickets?
The half-hour of private lesson time charged for confirming participation in Summer Concert Night, as stated in our studio policies, is waived for this Concert in lieu of $20 entry fee per student. No admission fee. No lessons are scheduled on Concert Night. Lessons on the summer schedule may continue after Concert Night according to the student’s account. A printed program may be provided including first and last names of students. Vocal students may need to book an accompanist.
Sounds great! What are the next steps?
Complete the attached form and return it to administration or the envelope on a campus corkboard by Monday, August 12. A Performer Confirmation Sheet (green) will be provided soon thereafter. It will explain directions, parking, what to wear, arrival times, photo policies, and other useful notes. Next studio-wide concert night is Sunday, December 1 in Campbellville.
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To be returned to admin staff or cork board envelope by Mon Aug 12
Student name(s): _______________________________ Instrument(s): __________________
Song title(s): _____________________________________
Mon Aug 26 Milton Town Hall North Courtyard Stage Requesting concert after 6:00PM
Terms on the Info Sheet, including backing tracks, have been accepted NA for SCN
Office Use only: Added to MR Fee collected or PLR adjusted Green Sheet sent