Frequently Asked Questions
How do lessons work?
Typically, the first item we solve is which campus you’re closest to: Acton, Campbellville, or Milton. Then we figure out which instrument you’re interested in learning: vocals, drums, violin, sax, guitar, or piano. Then we determine what day of the week makes sense for your schedule. We’re open Monday through Saturday. Almost all beginners begin with 30 minute weekly private lessons – meaning the student has the teacher’s undivided attention for a half-hour. The idea is to have the same time slot and instructor for each week. For example, if Joe is your instructor for piano on Wednesdays from 6:30 – 7:00, then you would see Joe each week at that time throughout the studio year.
Is there a registration fee?
We are currently waiving our $29 registration fee.
Is there a minimum number of lessons? How do payments work?
Because there is a two month minimum, the first seven lessons are paid for at the time of registration. The first payment may be by Visa, MasterCard, debit or cheque. Beginning with the third month, there will then be a monthly fee, due at the start of the month, and due on the same day of the month until the last month of the school year. The standard method of payment for the monthly fee is by Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD). A PAD is a convenient and secure method that makes payments from the student’s account to the school account on the same day each month.
What if the student can't make a certain lesson date?
Students are entitled to a designated number of rescheduled lessons throughout the school year. Simply notify us before 9:00PM the night before your lesson, and we can defer the instruction time to another time that week, a designated rescheduling week, or the end of the school year.
Is this a contract for the rest of the school year?
We have a high student retention rate, but if you’re thinking of withdrawing, please speak with the School Director about your concerns. Completing a Notice of Withdrawal (Form 084) gives the studio 30 days to address the issues (pace of lessons, time of lesson, choice of instrument, etc.). Lessons and payments continue during this time. If we can’t resolve it after the 30 day window, then we shake hands, balance the account, and release the time slot for another student.
Can I join an ensemble?
Our award-winning ensemble program has a growing reputation! Students require a recommendation from their private lesson instructor. During the fourth week of September, we conduct assessments for ensembles during private lessons and form the groups based on skill levels, instruments, and availability for rehearsals. Ensemble rehearsals begin after Thanksgiving. Ensemble fees apply.
Do you offer summer lessons?
Yes. For students registered with us since September, the following notes apply:
- Summer Lessons (July – August) Registration notes
- Four or eight 30 minute lessons, though different durations are available, e.g. 4 X 45 minutes = same as 6 x 30 minutes.
- Lessons are not necessarily in consecutive weeks, and should be scheduled as such at time of registration.
- Maximum one rescheduling, i.e. student advises the studio before 9:00 the night before the lesson. Advising studio at time of registration is not considered a rescheduling.
- Private lessons are available Tuesdays and Wednesdays in Milton, Thursdays in Campbellville. Acton TBD.
- Pre-Authorized Debits (PADs) may be suspended for July and August (i.e. from June 28 through August 27). PADs are standard for September through June lessons.
- Payments are due at the time of registration. Summer fees are payable by Visa, MC, debit or cheque and range from $23 – $29 per 30 minutes. Summer is a great time to try a new or second instrument! Call 905-864-1775 for more information.
For students who started lessons in October or November, lessons and payments continue through August, with a maximum of four reschedulings permitted in July and August. Students beginning in December or later will have a pro-rata number of lesson-credits through August. Again, a maximum of four reschedulings are permitted during July-August.