Bands in the Community

Bands in the Community

Student bands from Rick Imus Music Studio continue to perform in their campus communities.


Last Saturday, start up band, Stuttering Stereos, earned praise at the Clarke Neighbourhood Community Treasure Hunt. The performance from the guitar / drum trio was augmented by singerĀ Roxy Amin and her music theatre repertoire, and twins Shane Black and Nathan Black on piano. These performers will be recognized on local radio Friday morning at 7:40AM.


The weekend finished with performances at Milton West Wild Wing at Bronte / Derry by veteran bands Buffalo Band-Its and SnapBacks, who turned in an on-point 45 minute set.

Future Shows

Stuttering Stereos will be on the schedule for Inspire Halton’s Annual Talent Bash Thursday night at the Red Harp Pub, steps away from the RIMS Acton Campus. Downbeat at 7:00PM. Tickets are $10 at the door.


Music Student video clip


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