Tips for Getting Organized for Private Music Lessons
Think getting organized is just for New Year’s Resolutions? Start off the new Studio Calendar with these tips for getting organized in advance of your private music lessons.
- Keep a notebook. Write down questions throughout the week that you have for your private lesson teacher, band leader, or administration. Use a separate notepad or write in the margin of your method book. Questions can be organized by performance, song requests, or just wondering…
- Practise regularly. Seems obvious, but this ensures clarity on the week’s assignment, including any written or theory topics. By practising on your instrument, you’ll be aware of its location and condition. Be sure you’re clear on the assignment before you leave the lesson, by the way.
- Be ready the night before. Locate and layout your books and gear the night before your lesson. It may be helpful to place your lesson books and accessories in your home’s entrance hall so they can be seen on the way out. This is the perfect time to discover any damaged or misplaced items. Having your essentials organized before your head hits the pillow helps you to be at your best.
- Practise within 24 hours of your private lesson. New material is locked in faster and more securely if it is experienced within one day of its introduction. The other benefit, of course, is a better chance at more time being available to master the music. If you’re waiting for another family member to finish their lesson, break through the temptation to relax and drill down on your assignment in the waiting room (or vacant studio room).
- Review your schedule. Is the travel time realistic? What is a good use of your time if you arrive early? Tuning your guitar or violin, ghost fingering your piano assignment, or doing stretches for vocal might top the list.