Piano Practising Tips
Five Tips for Successful Piano Practising
1) Have a goal. Having a plan before sitting at the piano helps focus your time. Remember to allow time for listening to recorded examples. Use a metronome to measure your progress as a percentage the eventual tempo.
2) Break down complicated passages. Work on difficult passages Hands Separate (HS) before putting them together. If you’re drilling down phrase by phrase, remember to play into the next section so the sound flows.
3) It’s the pause that refreshes. If you are having challenges and find yourself becoming flustered, take a break or change the topic and come back to it after a brief intermission.
4) Schedule your practice time. Try to schedule your time early in the day, especially if you have an acoustic piano. Finishing your practice time with a review piece or something creative is encouraging.
5) Approach technique like repertoire. Scales and arpeggios are essential foundations to piano playing. Ask your teacher how you could keep relevant scales fresh (e.g., swing versus straight, two notes per pitch, staccato versus legato, pedal versus no pedal, etc).
Guest columnist Judith Brown, B.A., B. Ed

Ebony and ivory in harmony.