Studio Exam Week July 2 – 4
Thursday, July 2 through Saturday, July 4 is our studio’s Exam Week. Instructors or staff members will be available to assist with candidates’ video recordings for exam entry with the London College of Music / Registry of Guitar Tutors.Thursday, July 2 through Saturday, July 4 is our studio’s Exam Week. Staff members will be available to assist with candidates’ video recordings for exam entry with the London College of Music / Registry of Guitar Tutors. The format (in-studio or online) is to be determined.
No private lessons will be scheduled during Exam Week.
Students may be assigned independent tasks (such as, recording drum rudiments or technical work) before or after Exam Week. Students are expected to be prepared for their appointment time.
On a case-by-case basis, an extension or alternate date may be arranged.
Where possible, parents/students will be responsible for their own entries to be uploaded on the London College of Music website.
Thursday, July 2 through Saturday, July 4 is a period established independently by Rick Imus Music Studio. The London College of Music reserves the right to establish entry conditions, including a due date.
Beyond the grace period, time spent by instructors or staff will be charged at the private lesson rate.