Band Singer Tips

Some bands are blessed to have a team player on lead vocals. Here are our top Band Singer Tips.



singing vocal voice

Some bands are blessed to have a team player on lead vocals. Here are our top Band Singer Tips.

Be the responsible type.  Contribute to the organizational efforts of the band between rehearsals. Draft set lists and, even better, songs for each rehearsal. Bring a binder or equivalent with lyrics. If you want the band to play a song, bring or distribute the sheet music. Bonus marks for transposing it to a key that’s kind to your voice.

Get physical. Arrive early and offer to help with setup. Your bandmates will notice as they bring drums and bass amps to the hall. You can make the PA or electrical or lights your thing.

Shine on stage. Signal the house music cut, if necessary, and don’t talk before the music. The audience is there to hear music. That said, plan your banter – website, merchandise, date when you’re playing again, thank yous to people, etc. Introduce yourself last, or have the piano player introduce you.

Put our Band Singer Tips into action and enjoy the benefits being at the front of a music team.

singing vocal voice



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