Student Composition Festival

(905) 864-1775 (519) 853-1775
What is the Student Composition Festival?
Our Student Composition Festival is an annual opportunity for students to use their creativity to create new songs and learn how music is constructed.
When is the Festival?
The festival runs from Monday, January 20 – Saturday, February 29 and culminates with selected students being invited to perform their works at our New Music Concert on Sunday, April 5.
During the two week creation and notation period, private lessons will run on their regular schedule. Teachers may assist students with prompting questions and by providing musical notation. Entries are due Saturday, February 29 at 4:00PM. Winners eligible for the New Music Concert will be notified by Saturday, March 14.
How are the compositions evaluated?
There are five categories:
1. Flashcard rhythms. Student chooses the order of four bars of rhythms on flashcards. Great for ages 5-6.
2. Eight-bar folk melody. Bars 1-2 same as 5-6. Start on a tonic chord-tone, end on the tonic. Good for ages 7-11.
3. Basic blues. Twelve bar form, two bar phrases, end on the tonic.
4. Vocal with lyrics. Verse-chorus form. Great for adolescent students.
5. Freestyle and drum solo.
Private lesson teachers will be given general feedback on students’ compositions to be conveyed to students during the regular lesson schedule. Decisions by the judging committee are final.
What are the costs for entering the festival?
Students in Milton, Campbellville and Acton are eligible. The first entry per student is free. Subsequent entries are by donation at Costs may be associated with participating in the New Music Concert on Sunday, April 5.